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Lulu The Awesome English Bulldog
Thanks Jacki for sending us this great picture!
PUPkin Spiced Latte
Whinnie was a PUPkin Spiced Latte for Halloween Whinnie patiently waiting on the counter for her Birthday Cake Thanks to Trixia for sending over these super cute pics! Name: Whinnie,…
Ollie Aboard!
All aboard the Magic School Bus! Ollie is waiting. (Submitted by Amy)
Playing Dress-up
Riley loves to play, she especially loves playing dress up! (Submitted by Katie)
Water Wings
Molly is as happy as her floaties! (Submitted by Emily)
Cuddle Time
Little Miss Missy is ready for her bedtime story. (Submitted by Debbie)
Dog Shaming
Remember that sweater that grandma knitted for you back in 9th grade? Then your mom made you wear it to school photo day? Then it was put in the year…
William Takes To The Sky
Robyn Rose sent over this great picture of William, her Toy Chihuahua.
Lulu The Awesome English Bulldog
Thanks Jacki for sending us this great picture!
PUPkin Spiced Latte
Whinnie was a PUPkin Spiced Latte for Halloween Whinnie patiently waiting on the counter for her Birthday Cake Thanks to Trixia for sending over these super cute pics! Name: Whinnie,…
Featured Content
Dog Shaming
Remember that sweater that grandma knitted for you back in 9th grade? Then your mom made you wear it to school photo day? Then it was put in the year…
William Takes To The Sky
Robyn Rose sent over this great picture of William, her Toy Chihuahua.
Lulu The Awesome English Bulldog
Thanks Jacki for sending us this great picture!
PUPkin Spiced Latte
Whinnie was a PUPkin Spiced Latte for Halloween Whinnie patiently waiting on the counter for her Birthday Cake Thanks to Trixia for sending over these super cute pics! Name: Whinnie,…
Ollie Aboard!
All aboard the Magic School Bus! Ollie is waiting. (Submitted by Amy)
Playing Dress-up
Riley loves to play, she especially loves playing dress up! (Submitted by Katie)
Water Wings
Molly is as happy as her floaties! (Submitted by Emily)
Cuddle Time
Little Miss Missy is ready for her bedtime story. (Submitted by Debbie)
‘Cause This is Thriller
I bet you are singing Thriller in your head right now. (Submitted by Tami)
Howdy Partner
All Konnery needs now are opposable thumbs! (Submitted by Lisa)
We Had a Baby
Hi Everyone, Sorry for the lack of updates lately, we had a baby! He came early, it was very unexpected, but we are all doing well I’ll be back…
And the Winner of Our 2013 Summer Contest is….
Jurrasic Bark!! This year’s summer contest was decided by you, our fans. Charlie is the winner and fan favourite with a whopping 1K facebook shares, 1.7K likes, 1K tweets and…