Oh Canada!
Carlos in is Canada jersey, cheering on Canada in the summer Olympics! Too bad we didn't get more gold, but Canada will make up for it in the winter ;) (Submitted by Amy)
Carlos in is Canada jersey, cheering on Canada in the summer Olympics! Too bad we didn't get more gold, but Canada will make up for it in the winter ;) (Submitted by Amy)
Lavender is a little Angel, Carnelian is Peter Pan, and Cypress is Darth Vadar. They love getting dressed up for any occaision!! (Submitted by Jessica)
Since arriving in the world late 2011, Puff has spent the better part of his life training to attack inanimate objects and to make sad puppy eyes to guilt humans into giving him food. In his spare time, he has made it his mission in life to lick everyone and everything he sees. As the…
Chloe can't wait for Octoberfest! She is already dressing up in her lederhosen. (Submitted by Sonja)