To the person who posted this pic/owns this dog. I assume from the pic that you live in MA. I’m contacting you in the very slim chance that you check this 2 yr. old posting for comments. Murphy is my dogs twin! Both pretty unique looking dogs. I can send you a pic that looks JUST LIKE this one (less the Bruins shirt of course). We rescued I.C. a yr. ago. The shelter said that they think he turned 2 last Jan. and that they think he was born in easter MA. My email is [email protected] – I’ll be happy to send pics & it would be really cool to find out if they’re brothers.
very funny
This is too cute!!
Thats funny!
To the person who posted this pic/owns this dog. I assume from the pic that you live in MA. I’m contacting you in the very slim chance that you check this 2 yr. old posting for comments. Murphy is my dogs twin! Both pretty unique looking dogs. I can send you a pic that looks JUST LIKE this one (less the Bruins shirt of course). We rescued I.C. a yr. ago. The shelter said that they think he turned 2 last Jan. and that they think he was born in easter MA. My email is [email protected] – I’ll be happy to send pics & it would be really cool to find out if they’re brothers.
this is so so cute 🙂
Did Murphy come from suburbs of Houston, TX?