Pioneer Dogs
Aladdin and Phoenix, American pioneer Dogs, are enjoying a drink at Tall and Tails Tavern. Oh the good old days. (Submitted by Bonnie and Beth)
Aladdin and Phoenix, American pioneer Dogs, are enjoying a drink at Tall and Tails Tavern. Oh the good old days. (Submitted by Bonnie and Beth)
Football season has officially started, Riley is pretty excited. (Submitted by Jana)
Carlos in is Canada jersey, cheering on Canada in the summer Olympics! Too bad we didn't get more gold, but Canada will make up for it in the winter ;) (Submitted by Amy)
Charlie likes to wear his country's flag while he listens to some sweet K-pop. (Submitted by Lakyn)
Luckydoo is a very active pup, here she is enjoying a summer hike in the tall grass. (Submitted by Billie)